Workshop on Cross-Scale Coupling in Plasmas

Università della Calabria, Rende (Cosenza) - Italy

March 9-11, 2009



Space, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas are dominated by processes, such as shocks, magnetic reconnection, and turbulence, that are intrinsically variable and coupled on disparate scales. This workshop will discuss and refine the science background and mission design for Cross-Scale, a candidate ESA Cosmic Vision mission dedicated to the study of these fundamental phenomena.


Please, register yourself to get e-mail updates about the workshop.




Useful links:


ESA - Cosmic Vision:


e-mail: cross-scale2009[at]fis[dot]unical[dot]it


Preliminary deadlines
Abstract deadline: Expired on February 10th 2009
Registration deadline:      Expired on February 10th 2009
Although the deadline has expired, late abstracts can still be accepted...



You may now download the poster of the meeting either as a PDF file (6.7 MB) or as TIFF file (8.6 MB).



Please, send any comment or suggestion about these web pages to:
Luca Sorriso-Valvo: sorriso[at]fis[dot]unical[dot]it or to Leonardo Primavera: lprimavera[at]fis[dot]unical[dot]it.

Last update: November 13th 2008