Refereed Publications

Refereed Publications:

publications on NASA/ads

publications on google scholar

publications on reseachgate

  1. Study of the fractality in an MHD Shell model forced by solar wind fluctuations
    Dominguez M., Nigro G., Munoz V., Carbone V., and Riquelme M.; Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, (2019) npg link

  2. Sign singularity of the local energy transfer in space plasma turbulence
    Sorriso-Valvo L., De Vita G., Fraternale F., Gurchumelia A., Perri S., Nigro G., ...; Frontiers in Physics, 7, 108 (2019) frontiers link

  3. Parametric Instability in Two-dimensional Alfvenic Turbulence
    Primavera L., Malara F., Servidio S., Nigro G., Veltri. P.; The Astrophysical Journal, 880 (2), 156 (2019) iop link

  4. Parametric Instability and Turbulent Cascades in Space Plasmas
    Primavera L., Malara F., Servidio S, Nigro G.; Turbulent Cascades II, 159-168 (2019) springer link

  5. Attracted by the fascinating magnetism of the Sun
    G. Nigro; Il Nuovo Cimento C, 42, 1 (2019) sif link

  6. Electron Heating by Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Coronal Loop Turbulence
    Malara F., Nigro G., Valentini F., Sorriso-Valvo L.;
    The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 66 (January 2019) ads link

  7. Study on the Fractality of Magnetized Plasma using an MHD Shell Model driven by Solar Wind Data
    Dominguez M., Nigro G., Munoz V., Carbone V.; Physics of Plasmas, 25, 092302 (September 2018) aip link

  8. Evolution of fractality in space plasmas of interest to geomagnetic activity
    Munoz V., Dominguez M., Valdivia J.A., Good S., Nigro G., Carbone V.;
    Nonlin. Processes Geophys., Review article in Special Issue: Nonlinear Waves and Chaos, vol. 25, 207-216 (March 2018) npg link

  9. Study of Fractal Features of Geomagnetic Activity Through an MHD Shell Model
    Dominguez M., Nigro G., Munoz V., Carbone V.; Physics of Plasmas, vol. 24, 072308 (July 2017) aip link

  10. What is a large-scale dynamo?
    Nigro G., Pongkitiwanichakul P., Cattaneo F., Tobias S.M.;
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, vol. 464, L119-L123 (January 2017) mnras link

  11. A fast algorithm for a three-dimensional synthetic model of intermittent turbulence
    Malara F., Di Mare F., Nigro G., Sorriso-Valvo L.; Physical Review E, vol. 94, 053109 (Nov. 2016) PRE link

  12. Shear-Driven Dynamo Waves in Fully Nonlinear Regime
    Pongkitiwanichakul P., Nigro G., Cattaneo F., Tobias S.M.; The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 825, Issue 1, article id. 23, 8 pp (July 2016) iop link

  13. Finite-time singularities and flow regularization in a hydromagnetic shell model at extreme magnetic Prandtl numbers
    Nigro G. & Carbone V.; New Journal of Physics, vol. 17, 073038 (August 2015) iop link

  14. Heating Mechanisms for Intermittent Loops in Active Region Cores from AIA/SDO EUV Observations;
    Cadavid A. C., Lawrence J. K., Christian D. J., Jess D. B., Nigro G.; The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 795, Issue 1, id. 48, 12 pp. (2014) iop link

  15. Cancellation properties in Hall-magnetohydro dynamics with strong guide magnetic field;
    Martin L.N., De Vita G., Sorriso-Valvo L., Dmitruk P., Nigro G., Primavera L., Carbone V.; Physical Review E, vol. 88, Issue 6, id. 063107 (December 2013) aps link

  16. Simplified model for an alpha2-omega dynamo fed by dynamical evoluti on of the zonal shear;
    Nigro G., Carbone V., Primavera L.;
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 433, Issue 3, pp. 2206-2214 (August 2013) mnras link

  17. A Shell Model for Large-Scale Turbulent Dynamo;
    Giuseppina Nigro; Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, vol. 107, issue 1-2, pp. 101-113 (February 2013) gafd link

  18. Alfven Waves: Coherent Phenomena in Coronal Loops and Open-Field Regions;
    Malara F., Nigro G., Veltri P., Onofri M.; Space Science Reviews, vol. 172, Issue 1-4, pp. 157-167 (November 2012) springer link

  19. A Study of the Dynamo Transition in a Self-consistent Nonlinear Dynamo Model;
    Giuseppina Nigro & Pierluigi Veltri; The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 740, L37 5pp (September 2011) apjl link

  20. A Shell Model Turbulent Dynamo;
    Perrone D., Nigro G., Veltri P.; The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 735, 73 6pp (July 2011) apj link

  21. Magnetic reversals in a modified shell model for magnetohydrodynamic turbulence;
    Giuseppina Nigro & Carbone Vincenzo; Physical Review E, Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 82, pp. 016313-1-016313-6 (July 2010) pre link

  22. Fluctuating Energy Storage and Nonlinear Cascade in an Inhomogeneous Coronal Loop;
    Malara F., Nigro G, Onofri M., Veltri P.; The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 720, pp. 306-327 (September 2010). ads link

  23. Self Organizationin Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
    Veltri P., Carbone V., Lepreti F., Nigro G.; Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, vol. 19, pp. 8009-8028 (2009) springer link

  24. Modeling magnetohydrodynamic turbulence by low-dimensional dynamical systems
    Carbone V., Lepreti F., Nigro G., Sorriso-Valvo L., Vecchio A., Veltri P.;
    Anomalous Fluctuation Phenomena in Complex System: Plasma, Fluids and Financial Markets, pp.58-100 (2008) book link

  25. Explosive Instability and Coronal Heating
    Dahlburg R. B., Liu J.-H., Klimchuk J. A., Nigro G.; The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 704, pp. 1059-1064 (October 2008) doi link

  26. Resonant Behavior and Fluctuating Energy Storage in Coronal Loops
    Nigro G., Malara F., Veltri P.; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 685, Issue 1, pp. 606-621 (September 2008) doi link

  27. Astatistical analysis of polarity reversals of the geomagnetic field
    Sorriso-Valvo L., Stefani F., Carbone V., Nigro G., Lepreti F., Vecchio A., Veltri P.;
    Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Volume 164, Issue 3-4, pp. 197- 207 (October 2007) doi link

  28. Modeling a Coronal Loop Heated by Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Nanoflares
    Reale F., Nigro G., Malara F., Peres G., Veltri P.; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 633, Issue 1, pp. 489-498 (November 2005) doi link

  29. Large-Amplitude Velocity Fluctuations in Coronal Loop: Flare Drivers?
    Nigro G., Malara F., Veltri P.; The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 629, Issue 2, pp. L133-L136 (August 2005) doi link

  30. Intermittency in MHD turbulence and coronal nanoflares modeling
    Veltri P., Nigro G., Malara F., Carbone V., Mangeney A.; Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 245-255 (February 2005) ads link

  31. Nanoflares and MHD Turbulence in Coronal Loops: A Hybrid Shell Model
    Nigro G., Malara F., Carbone V., Veltri P.; Physical Review Letters, Volume 92, Issue 19, id. 194501 (May 2004) doi link

  32. A Coronal Loop RMHD Shell Model for Turbulence generated Nanoflares
    Nigro G., Malara F., Veltri P.;
    Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe: New Insights and New Challenges AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 703, pp. 219-222 (April 2004) doi link

    Other Publications:

  33. A shell model for turbulent dynamos
    Nigro G., Perrone D., Veltri P.; Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium; vol. 274, pp. 159-161 (2010).

  34. Large-scale energy balance and MHD turbulence in solar coronal structures
    Malara F., Nigro G., Onofri M., Veltri P.; TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings. vol. 1216, pp. 44-47 (2010).

  35. Energy balance and cascade in MHD turbulence in the solar corona
    Malara F., Nigro G., Veltri P.; Universal Heliophysical Processes, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. vol. 257, pp. 543-553 (2009).

  36. Large Amplitude Velocity Fluctuations as Precursor of Flares in Solar Coronal Loops
    Nigro G., Malara F., Veltri P.; Proceedings of the Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere Conference (ESA SP-592). 12 - 17 June 2005 Whistler, Canada. Editors: B. Fleck, T.H. Zurbuchen, H. Lacoste, p. 515 (2005).

  37. Velocity Fluctuations in Coronal Loops as Flare Drivers
    Nigro G., Malara F., Veltri P.; Proceedings of the 11th European Solar Physics Meeting: The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations (ESA SP-600). Leuven, Belgium, (11-16 September 2005). Editors: D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof and J. Andries. p.92.1 (2005).

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