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Primavera Leonardo's publication list
Papers on international journals
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Formation of small
scales via Alfven wave propagation in compressible nonuniform media'',
Astrophys. Journal, 459, 347-364, 1996.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Compressive fluctuations
generated by time evolution of Alfvenic perturbations in the solar wind
current sheet'', Journal of Geophysical Research, 101,
21597-21617, 1996.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Dissipation of Alfven
waves in compressible inhomogeneous media'', Nuovo Cimento C,
20C, 903-909, 1997.
- Malara F., Veltri P., Primavera L., ``Nature of the Density-
Magnetic Field Intensity Correlation Observed in the Solar Wind'',
Physical Review E, 56, 3508-3514, 1997.
- Primavera L., Rüdiger G., Elstner D., ``Balbus-Hawley
instability in thin accretion disks'', Acta Astron. et Geophys.
Univ. Comeniae, 19, 155-161, 1997.
- Rüdiger G., Primavera L., Arlt R., Elstner D., ``Magnetic
shear flow instability in thin accretion disks'', Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306, 913-918, 1999.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Effects of entropy
inhomogeneity on density-temperature correlation in solar wind'',
Physical Review E, 59, 6023-6031, 1999.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Non linear evolution of
parametric instability of a large amplitude nonmonochromatic Alfvén
wave'', Physics of Plasmas, 7, 2866-2877, 2000.
- Malara, F., Primavera, L., Veltri, P., ``Nonlinear evolution
of the parametric instability: numerical predictions versus observations
in the heliosphere'', Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 8,
159-166, 2001.
- Carbone, V., Lepreti, F., Primavera, L., Pietropaolo, E.,
Berrilli, F., Consolini, G., Alfonsi, G., Bavassano, B., Bruno, R.,
Vecchio, A., Veltri, P., ``An analysis of the vertical photospheric
velocity field as observed by THEMIS'', Astronomy and Astrophysics,
381, 265-270, 2002.
- Alfonsi G., Primavera L., ``Coherent structure dynamics in
turbulent channel flow'', Journal of Flow Visualization &
Image Processing, 9, 1-10, 2003.
- Alfonsi, G., Restano, C., Primavera, L., Passoni, G.,
``Coherent structures of the flow around a surface-mounted cubic obstacle
in turbulent channel flow'', Journal of Wind Engeneering
and Industrial Aerodynamics, 91, 495-511, 2003.
- Alfonsi, G., Felisari, R., Passoni, G., Primavera, L.,
``Proper orthogonal decomposition of the flow past a perforated plate'',
submitted to Fluid Dynamics Research, 2001.
- Alfonsi, G., Arosio, S., Rodi, P., Passoni, G., Primavera, L.,
``A parallel computational code for the proper orthogonal decomposition
of turbulent flows'', submitted to The Journal of Supercomputing,
- Alfonsi, G., Primavera, L., ``Proper orthogonal decomposition
of turbulent channel flow'', submitted to Fluid Dynamics Research,
Conference Proceedings
- Veltri P., Malara F., Primavera L., ``Correlation, anisotropy
and compressibility of low frequency fluctuations in solar wind'',
Solar Wind Seven, COSPAR Colloquia Series Vol. 3, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, 559-564, 1992.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Coronal heating by
Alfven waves dissipation in compressible nonuniform media'',
Solar Wind Eight, AIP Conference Proceedings 382, 14-17, 1996.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Propagation of large
amplitude Alfven waves in the solar wind current sheet'',
Solar Wind Eight, AIP Conference Proceedings 382, 323-326, 1996.
- Primavera L., Rüdiger G., ``Magnetic shear instability for
accretion tori of constant specific angular momentum'', Proceedings of 8th Annual Astrophysics Conference on Accretion Processes in
Astrophysical Systems, edited by S. S. Holt, 65-68, 1998.
- Veltri P., Malara F., Primavera L., ``Nonlinear Alfvén Wave
Interaction with Large-Scale Heliospheric Current Sheet'', Nonlinear MHD Waves and Turbulence, Lecture Notes in Physics, Passot Th.
e Sulem P. L. eds., Springer-Verlag, 536, 222-250, 1999.
- Primavera L., Malara F., Veltri P., ``Numerical Simulations
of the Parametric Instability in Solar Wind'', Proceedings of
``The 9thEuropean Meeting on Solar Physics, Magnetic Fields and Solar
Processes'', ESA Publication Division, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 1199-1204, 1999.
- Alfonsi G., Primavera L., Passoni G., Restano C., ``Proper
Orthogonal Decomposition of Turbulent Channel Flow'', ``Computational
Fluid Dynamics 2000: Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10-14 July 2000,
Satofuka N. (Ed.), Kyoto, Japan.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Parametric instability
of a broad-band Alfvèn wave: nonlinear evolution and saturation'',
Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 203: ``Recent Insights into the
Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other
Space Missions'', Manchester, 7-11 August 2000, P. Brekke, B. Fleck,
J. B. Gurman Eds., The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 511-513,
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Parametric Instability
of Broad-Band Alfvènic Fluctuations: Comparison with Solar Wind
Observations'', Proceedings of the ``II Convegno sulla Ricerca Solare
Italiana'', L'Aquila 3-5 Luglio 2000, in press, 2001.
- Malara F., Primavera L., Veltri P., ``Parametric instability
of Alfvènic fluctuations in high-latitude solar wind'',
Proceedings of the ``SOLSPA
2001 Euroconference Solar Cycle and Space Weather'', Vico Equense,
Italy, 24-29 Settembre 2001, European Space Agency: Noordwijk, The
Netherlands, 309-312, 2002.
- Primavera, L., Malara, F., Veltri, P., ``Parametric instability
in the solar wind: numerical study of the nonlinear evolution'', submitted
to Proceedings of the conference Solar Wind X, Bruno, R., Velli, M.,
Malara, F., 2003, in press.
Papers on italian journals
- De Bartolo, S., Veltri, M., Primavera, L., ``Indagine sulla
struttura multifrattale delle reti fluviali mediante approccio a taglia
fissa'', accepted by L'acqua, 2003, in press.
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Leonardo Primavera