Fifth International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov equation
Copanello (Calabria), Italy, May 30 - June 2, 2016
Contact e-mail: vlasovia2016@gmail.com
Description of the workshop:
The workshop aims at providing an up-to-date summary for scientists
working in the field of Vlasov theory. The Vlasov equation is used for
the modelling of a wide range of phenomena occurring in natural and
laboratory plasmas, as well as in other many-particle systems
displaying a collective behaviour. The present edition will focus on
space and astrophysical plasmas. A special session will be devoted to
the THOR mission
(http://thor.irfu.se/) of the European
Space Agency, which addresses the fundamental question of turbulent
energy dissipation and particle energization.
Scientific Topics:
- Space and astrophysical plasmas
- Gravitational systems
- Magnetic confinement plasmas
- Basic collisionless plasma physics
- Computational and theoretical approaches

Useful links
- Physics Department at University of Calabria: http://www.fis.unical.it
- The Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell solver website: http://fis.unical.it/hvm
- Vlasovia 2013 workshop: http://vlasovia2013.event.univ-lorraine.fr/vlasov_home.php
- THOR (Turbulent Heating ObserveR): http://thor.irfu.se
Used material: On the left, plasma turbulence generated in a tokamak from a numerical simulation (http://www.lpp.fr/Turbulence,170?lang=fr); On the right, plasma turbulence surrounding a bow shock in a hybrid-Vlasov simulation from the VLASIATOR code (M. Palmroth, http://vlasiator.fmi.fi/), the CAD drawing of THOR (OHB-Sweden), a false color image of Cassiopeia A (Cas A) using observations from the Hubble and Spitzer telescopes as well as the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Courtesy: Walter Puccio.