If you intend to participate to the conference, please fill in the
registration form. You will be requested to leave your email
address and personal information in order to be contacted later for
further developments/news concerning the conference.
Procedure for the abstract submission for pre-registered persons:
you can either submit a new registration, that will overwrite the
pre-registration (suggested), or send the modifications (as, for
example, the abstract submission) by e-mail to the address:
The registration fees are of
for people both registering in advance and on-site.
The fees will include lunches, coffee break, the icebreaking
wine cocktail and the conference banquet on tuesday.
In order to register, you have the following options:
- To pay in advance through bank transfer.
To fill in the bank transfer, please, use the following data:
- Receiver: Associazione Novel Optical Materials and Applications
- Receiver address: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della
Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, Cubo 31C, I-87036 Rende (CS) - ITALY
- Tax code: 98026240782
- Bank: BNL - Piazza Matteotti, I-87036 Rende (CS) - ITALY
- IBAN: IT 79 P 01005 80880 000000024681
Please, don't forget to mention in the cause of the transfer that
it is the payment for the conference fees of cross-scale 2009!
- To pay in advance through credit card.
Please, send a fax to either Dr. Sorriso-Valvo or Dr. Leonardo Primavera
indicating clearly your first name, family name, your credit card
number, the credit card type (Please, notice
that we cannot accept Bankamericard!), the expiration date, to
the following fax-number: +39-(0)984-494401
- To pay cash on the conference site.
- To pay with credit card on the conference
(The same notice concerning Bankamericard
credit cards applies, see above!)
To register to the conference, please click
To see the list of people who registered until now, please click