Workshop on Cross-Scale Coupling in Plasmas



The programme will include a mixture of invited talks, oral and poster contributions, and specialised splinter session workshops to advance the science concepts and mission design. A preliminary schedule is given below.


Proceedings of the scientific contributions will be published on Planetary Space Science (ISI) (to be confirmed)




multiscale coupling in plasmas:
universal aspects and the role of in situ measurements from space.

turbulence, shocks and reconnection in plasmas:
recent theoretical and experimental results from space, astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.

theory and numerical simulations:
pointing the way to key questions and observables.

mission description:
targets and concept of the Cross-Scale mission.

mesurements and operations:
instruments, orbit and mission design for the Cross-Scale ESA candidate mission.

a challenging mission:
focus on international cooperation.

open discussion:
inputs from and complementarity to other related fields.




March 9
Welcome 14.00 Luca Sorriso-Valvo Welcome from LOC
Introduction 14.05 Steve Schwartz (Invited) Multi-Scale Coupling
Shocks 14.30 Luke Drury (invited) Diffusive Shock Acceleration - a mesoscopic theory between plasma physics and MHD.
15.00 Harald Kucharek The importance of heavy ions on the properties of the Earth\'s bow shock.
15.15 Christian Mazelle Self-reformation of the quasi-perpendicular terrestrial shock front evidenced from CLUSTER data.
15.30 Karim Meziane Shock Turbulence and Backstreaming Ion Distributions.
15.45 Mitsuo Oka Electron acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock: Geotail Observation.
Coffee break 16.00
Reconnection 16.30 Ellen Zweibel (Invited) Magnetic reconnection in the interstellar medium.
17.00 Panagiota Petkaki Nonlinear dependence of anomalous ion-acoustic resistivity on electron drift velocity.
17.15 Andrew Walsh Multi-Scale Observations of Bursty Bulk Flows & Plasma Bubbles: What will we learn from Cross-Scale?
17.30 Alessandro Retinò Multi-scale Cluster observations of the dipolarization/jet braking region in the near-Earth magnetotail.
17.45 Joerg Buechner The multi-scale nature of collisionless magnetic reconnection - Numerical simulation of the observables of the microphysics and turbulence behind.
Adjourn 18.00
Ice Breaker 19.30
March 10
Turbulence 09.00 Vincenzo Carbone (Invited) From macro to micro scales in solar wind turbulence.
09.30 Alain Noullez Alignment of Velocity and Magnetic Fields in Fast and Slow Solar Wind.
09.45 Fouad Sahraoui Recent results on small scale/dispersive solar wind turbulence and new requirements for the Cross-Scale mission.
10.00 Nicola Vianello Current filament structures detected in the edge region of a magnetically confined plasmas.
10.15 Emiliya Yordanova Small-scale anisotropy of the solar wind turbulence as observed by Cluster.
Coffe break 10.30
Cross Scale 11.30 Peter Falkner (Invited) Progress on the ESA CV Cross Scale study.
Poster session 12.00
Lunch 13.00
Science Goals 14.00 Steve Schwartz (Invited) Introduction to Cross Scale.
Science Splinter 14.30 Break into 3 workgroups Led by (all tbc)
Reconnection: Jim McFadden, Benoit Lavraud.
Turbulence: Mel Goldstein, Roberto Bruno.
Shocks: Abdelhaq Hamza, Christian Mazelle.
Coffee break 16.30
Splinter Summary 17.00
Adjourn 18.00
March 11
Simulations 09.00 Alex Lazarian (Invited) Fast Reconnection of Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Field in MHD regime: Theory and Simulations.
OPEN SESSION 09.30 Takayuki Umeda New Vlasov simulation techniques for scale coupling in the plasma universe.
09.45 Hiroaki Ohtani New approach to full comprehension of magnetic reconnection by multi-scale simulation.
10.00 Francesco Valentini Cross-scale effects in solar wind turbulence: multi-dimensional Vlasov simulations.
10.15 Laurence Rezeau Analysis of phase coherence in turbulent signals.
10.30 Vladimir Krasnoselskikh Can multi-scale studies of the Earth bow shock help us understand shock acceleration in astrophysics?
Coffee break 10.45
SCOPE 11.15 Masaki Fujimoto (Invited) The SCOPE mission
11.30 James McFadden Lessons learned from the THEMIS multi-spacecraft mission.
11.45 Mike Hapgood Cross-Scale science operations - some lessons learned from Cluster.
12.00 Dragos Constantinescu Wave telescope applicability for cross-scale measurements.
12.15 Johan De Keyser N-spacecraft computation of gradients.
LUNCH 12.30
Cross Scale 13.30 Arno Weilders (Invited) Introduction to the Payload Definition Document.
HARDWARE SPLINTERS 14.00 Break into working groups
Andris Vaivads, Rumi Nakamura Fields.
Chris Owen, Philippe Louarn Particles.
Mike Hapgood, Peter Falkner Programmatics, orbits, mission plans.
Petr Hellinger, Joerg Buechner Simulations.
Coffee Break 15.30
Splinter Reports 16.00
DATA SYSTEM 17.00 Chris Perry (Invited) A Science Data System for Cross-Scale.
Discussion 17.30
Adjourn 18.00